Monday, March 31, 2008
Chemo Follow Up
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Treatment 3 of 17
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
Radiation Treatment 2 of 17
The night ended up with us having friends over for some wine and Rock Band. It was a really fun time!
Today we went to breakfast with Brandi's family and then ran around town getting stuff done. When we got home today, I crashed for about 4 hours. I just woke up and feel perfect again.
On to Saturday night....
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
LAF Summit 2008
I feel fine by the way.
Radiation Zap 1 of 17
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Radiation Eve
On to getting blasted by radiation beams.......
My first zap is tomorrow from 11:00 am to 11:15 am. This whole experience has been a roller coaster. Brandi and I both feel like this is that last drop before we get to be done with the ride and move on. I was 10 times more worried the night before chemo started then I am now. I've read all about it and know that I'll be fine. Just hope it works and I'm done.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Easter Bunny left Evan a Nerf dart gun in his basket. We all loved it, so today we bought 3 more and a pack of 30 extra darts. These things are so fun! They have laser red dots that helps you aim. Each gun is only $5.50. These darts have been flying through our house ever since I got home. All for the kids of course...
Obviously, my energy level is good today with no sign of fatigue. I'm looking for a high energy day tomorrow because I have admin work to do all day which is not my cup of tea. I'm ready for radiation to start Thursday. The end of treatment is almost here.
Saturday I was really tired after that mall experience and yesterday was perfect as far as fatigue goes. I'm pretty sure that the chemo is behind me.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
I never really go back and read what I've posted but I did today. I noticed that I have never touched on how irritable I've been at night. For the last week, I've been really irritable and tired starting right around 5 or 6. The last two nights have been the worse, yet barely worth mentioning. This has all been pretty easy so far.
I also noticed that I never mentioned my dad has been doing all my yardwork to make things easier on me. I really appreciate it and it looks 10 times better than when I do it!
At this very second I feel perfect. I'm still taking my supplements mid day.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Positve Thought of the Day
Urology Appointment
I would highly reccomend Dr. Brennan, Urologist, at the Mercy Medical Plaza in Sacramento. His follow up and communication with myself and his staff was top notch. 916.733.3333.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Radiation Appointment
I am so wiped out right now. I started fading around 6.
1st Radiation Appointment
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I am blessed to be going into the second half of my treatment at 100%. I was planning to be a little roughed up at this point.
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patricks Day
For St. Patricks Day, we ate green ice cream cones after dinner. Last night we went to the grandparents for Corned Beef and Cabbage. About as exciting as St. Patties Day gets around here.
We can't wait for Wednesday. I really hope they scan me.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday and Saturday
Today we have a busy agenda. At 11:45am we are going to watch Coach Dave's son, Zach, tryout for the Select soccer team at the park in Stonelake. Then we are going to see the new Horton Hears a Who? Finally, we will end up at our good friends birthday for the evening. As of this minute, I feel 100% and I haven't even had my wheat grass yet. I'll be 115% in a matter of minutes.
Today is going to be a terrific day! It's inevitable.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday and Thursday
Well, I'm pretty much ready to say I'm past the chemotherapy. I've felt really good since Saturday. Fatigue is barely an issue. I do really need my 8 hours of sleep but that's it. I am getting a little winded when I workout with my dumbells at night. I was prepared for way worse than this Carboplatin Chemotherapy has actually been. I've had colds that were worse. It has been a breeze.
On to Radiation Therapy. I have my simulation appointment on Wednesday. They will tattoo me with dots where they will be doing the Radiation and creating a mold of my body. I will also be getting scanned. Dr. Logsdon told me that he expects those cancerous nodes will not be visible this time. I hope he is right.
Brandi and I are starting to talk about the celebration that will take place when this treatment is done. We are looking for an "all inclusive" spot in Mexico to take the kids for a couple days in May or early June. Or maybe a cruise? I want to find a place where we can get a good group deal and invite everyone and their mother to be able to book a stay at the same time. I know it's early but we're almost there. If all goes as planned, my treatment will be over on April 25th.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Dr. Miller told Bertha that it's fine for me to workout with my weights. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to wake up an hour earlier and do a mild workout. I think it will help with my energy level. There's only one way to find out.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I am very tired at the end of each day. I feel like it's midnight right now. I can deal with tired though, not a problem.
Brandi, the kids, and I went for about a mile walk tonight. I felt really good afterwords. I put a call into Bertha today to ask if I could work out with my weights a little bit. She said she thought I could but wanted to ask Dr. Miller and get back to me tomorrow.
I found a new friend today; Iced Soy Green Tea Latte at Starbucks. So good and like a shot in the arm at the same time! I wonder what the nutrients label would read on that one? I bet it would be pretty good.
Going to bed now.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Things are starting to resemble normal again. This week I have no medical appointments, no tests, no treatments, and I'm not even taking any medicine, besides chemo that is. Just a normal work week. I can't wait!
Back On Track
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Brandi stayed with me and we kinda toughed through that rough morning together. I still have yet to vomit but it was a very rough morning.
On to tonight.
Tides Have Changed
I think everyone knows that there are going to be days like this when you go through chemotherapy. I can only hope that they don't come to often. This sucks.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Day 4 7:45 PM
My skin is feeling really dry. We'll need to address that over the weekend.
So, bad dreams, dry skin, and mild fatigue is as bad as it's been. I'll take that.
Dr. Logsdon's(RT) office called today and said he wants me to come in on March 17th rather than April 4th. That will put my treatment completion date two weeks sooner. We will be doing some scans to see the progress of what the chemo is doing for me right now. Then we will do a Radiation Simulation.
Right now I'm starting to feel my stomach getting a little unsettled. This is the first time I've felt anything in my stomach so far. Hopefully my 27 year vomit free streak will remain intact through the night.
I'm so lucky to have made it through this first week without missing any work and without ever feeling bad. I would have thought it would have been a little worse.
Day 4 - Noon
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
5:00 PM
Bertha called back to say that everyone handles it in a different way so you never know. She told me that Dr. Miller said that probably day 4, I would be having some nausea and fatigue. I read that the nausea affiliated with Carboplatin could last 24 hours.
Nausea is my second to worst fear in chemo. For one, I haven't thrown up in so long it seems frightening. Next, I can't work if I'm throwing up or nausious. So, this could be GREAT news if I could go through the peak of nausea over the weekend. Day 4 would be Friday.
My worst fear is losing my hair. For the fact that my kids would see my sickness. The good news is hair loss is rare with Carboplatin.
All and all, it was a great day. Now, I'll go home at let my kids wear me out!
2:00 PM
I have a call into Dr. Miller and Bertha, his triage medical assistant, to ask if this is normal. They told me it was going to slug me. I'm just wondering when?
7:00 am
I am going to see the customers that are closer to home like downtown hotels and hospitals so I could get back if I start feeling bad.
Two thumbs up for sure!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
5:00 pm
2:30 pm
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Other Meds Given
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Chemo In

Cece is my nurse and she's a very nice lady with a good sense of humor. This place is so bright and upbeat.
Brandi has been with me every step of the way and today is no exception. Its very nice to have her here with me except when her embarrassing ring tone went off and everyone was looking at us.
We're doing great!
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There is a paragraph in the book, "It's Not About the Bike" by Lance Armstrong that has came to be my "light at the end of the tunnel", I read it everyday. It reads:
.....What you learn in cancer surviorship is that after all the shouting is done, after the desperation and crisis is over, after you have accepted the fact of your illness and celebrated the return of your health, the old routines and habits, like shaving in the morning with a purpose, a job to go to, a wife to love and children to raise, these are the threads that tie your days together and that give them the pattern deserving of the term " a life". ............
I'm ready to return to my normal "life" and it starts today. My coworkers are all boarding planes tommorow in the cities where they live to go to a company wide event in Florida. I hope this is the last work function that I miss.
We're off to take the kids to my parents house and then II'S ON.
Two thumbs up!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Chemo Eve
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