The last day of the summit was a great day as were the rest. It was great to hear the panel and what they had to say on the questions from Lance and Doug. I agreed to come to this summit in hopes of finding an idea of a way i could get involved in the war against cancer. I went looking for a way that I could spend minimal time making a huge impact. I heard stories all weekend of great things my LIVESTRONG peers are doing in their communities and some nation wide. So, what I came home with was about 700 ideas of projects that I could start or join. My brain was boggled and I have narrowed the ideas down to 5. I organized those 5 into a now, short term, and long term projects. As I get started I will publish them all. The first project I call The Swing Vote Project. The ball is rolling and more to come at http://swingvoteproject.blogspot.com . I will also make a blueprint of each project so it could be used in other communities to make a difference.
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