Saturday, February 2, 2008

2nd Opinion

This morning I received a call from my outside source. He explained that he agrees with the report from Mercy. He measured both suspicious spots on my lymph nodes a little bigger though. He measured 1.1 cm and 1.4cm. He did say that these spots would be very sensitive to the Radiation Therapy. He also said that there is a little spot on my lung which could be anything. They will be checking that spot in Radiation as well.

So I guess the net net is that I have two more little spots to deal with. Everyone seems confident that Radiation Therapy will be successful.

It could be so much worse. If it were a non-seminoma I would be having to go through the same surgery as my friends son. I could have no insurance. I could have had to miss a bunch of work. I could have had it on my spine. I could be going through all this alone. Lucky for me, none of these things are the case, and I am a very fortunate young man.

Two thumbs up!


Anonymous said...

You have a fantastic attitude which will keep you going. You also have a very speical family which is super important. Keep being positive.
Aunt Donna

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